KRYPTOKAMI digital assets designed to serve as a medium of exchange

Decentralized Backup System.
In financial accounting, reserves are part of shareholders' equity, except for the authorized share capital. In nonprofit accounting, operating reserves are unlimited cash available to prop up organizations, and nonprofit councils usually define the target of maintaining several months of operating cash or a percentage of their annual income, called Operation Backup Ratios. There are various types of reserves used in financial accounting such as capital reserves, income reserves, mandatory reserves, realized reserves, unrealized reserves.
Cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to serve as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure transactions, to control the creation of additional units, and to verify asset transfers. Crypto currency is classified as part of a digital currency and is also classified as part of an alternative currency and virtual currency. Crypto currency uses decentralized controls as opposed to centralized electronic money and central bank systems. The decentralized control of each cryptocurrency works through blockchain, which is a public transaction database, serving as a distributed ledger.
Cardano uses Ouroboros's business proof algorithm to reach a decentralized consensus within its network. Oobobos was the first reliable PSS algorithm and, like the larger Cardano project, followed the first research-driven scientific philosophy and approach that emphasized peer review and transparency. aims to protect user privacy and handle their needs as well. In addition, he has developed the first virtual machine following a strategy that works with Ethereum.
CryptoWe are a Decentralized Backup System . Our Crypto Platform is like Ethereum but only for third parties in the financial sector. Financial services organizations launched their ICO and operates based on open source Cardano two CryptoKami invention that creates a third generation POS blockchain named CryptoKami with her WE tokens.At the same time, CryptoKami operates on its own behalf as the US Federal Reserve (FED). This is the main feature and core technology, with CryptoWe distribute and organize OUR tokens based on the mandatory backup mechanism principle based on the algorithm Comreme ( CryptoKami's invention) through the Rule Contract ( CryptoKami Discovery ). So Crypto We act as a central bank, and financial services organizations operate on the CryptoKami platform that acts as a commercial bank. CryptoWe issued and arranged our OUR 210M tokens under a mandatory backup mechanism based on the Comreme algorithm through the Rule Contract, thereby being a third-generation blockchain of infrastructure for third parties and financial end users. Official Website
"CryptoWe will be the FED world of crypto currency."

"Do not set the blockchain, but set it through blockchain"
Open-source Cardano (Ouroboros proof of stake algorithm) + mandatory backup mechanism + Comcast Algorithm ( CryptoKami Discovery ) + Contract Rule ( CryptoKami Discovery ) = third generation CryptoKami blockchain infrastructure .
For third party finance.
- Build and run a blue-chip coin exchange contract under mandatory backup mechanisms
- Build and run cross-chain crypto exchange under mandatory reserve mechanisms
- Build and run banking services under mandatory backup mechanismsDeposit -Crypto-Crypto repo creditPayment -Cross-chainPayment -Crypto-fiatFor end users.
- Invest in ICO CryptoKami under mandatory backup mechanism
- Invest in the next financial third party that launched ICO in CryptoKami _Trade on CryptoKami's "Blue-Chip" Coin Contract Futures under mandatory backup mechanism.
- Trading on CryptoKami's Cross Chain Crypto Exchange under the mandatory backup mechanism of Staking.Our CryptoKami banking services under the mandatory backup mechanism.Deposit -Crypto-Crypto repo creditPayment -Cross-chainPayment -Crypto-fiat
ICO Star: february 2018
Coin type: Token Blockchain Standalone
Coin name: OUR Token
Technology: Proof of Blockora Stake based on Cardano
Standard: third generation blockchain
The total supply is under control: 210,000,000 US
Token Crowdsale: 45,000,000 US
OUR Token can be stored in:
• PC Wallet: Windows, Linux, Mac
• E-wallet:
• Mobile Wallet: Android App, iOS App

The Mandatory Backup Mechanism is based on the Comereme Algorithm through Contract Rules. This mechanism enables to manage SUPPLY and DEMAND for OUR tokens and effectively protect next-party financial ICO on CryptoKami as well as investors, traders, holders, users of banking services This mechanism will increase the demand for OUR tokens while the amount of suply in use of OUR tokens decreases due to Backup Mechanism Required. This mechanism ensures sustainable self-growth for the value of OUR tokens in the short and long term.
AnnTread BTT:
ETH Address: 0x81a9Abdc9662BD7a285Fb1DA5b03E5Fb5c7a6c9a
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