Xmoneta is a witness to the birth of a new global community, replacing traditional financial and social institutions.

What is Xmoneta? Xmoneta is a witness to the birth of a new global community, replacing traditional financial and social institutions. Xmoneta does not want to be a silent observer - Xmoneta wants to be a creator. Xmoneta wants to spur further development. It's no coincidence Xmoneta uses the mysterious 'X' on behalf of our project. X is something unknown, while 'moneta' is a Latin word, meaning 'money'. So, Xmoneta deliberately uses references for cryptocurrency. Xmoneta is the next step after two technological revolutions. Xmoneta creates an advanced Messenger in an encrypted world for social and business communications. Unlike giants like Facebook and WhatsApp, Xmoneta has completely different principles and philosophies. This allows users to meet their daily needs. Xmoneta's main concept is a truly mobile lifestyle, free of limits. COMPANY OBJECTIVE: Our goal is to create a comfortable, convenient and secure platform on a single platform fo...