INTRO is an online service system for residential construction market players

INTRO is a Business Intelligence system for off-plan development participants - builders, investors, home buyers, banks and other agents. INTRO IT products provide access to advanced analysis for industrial industries as well as for home-buyers. List of currently under construction and investor contracts stored in blockchain, which on the parent receives data from official state sources. This is possible. Legitimate without.

Users of INTRO systems will be able to find the most attractive off-plan property in dozens of countries and investing in ongoing construction with. Blockchain is confident about information on building plans and transaction security, while avoiding costs by real estate brokers, lawyers or records. In accordance with the nature.

How it works

  1. Data on the off-plan objects and share participation is loaded from the state accounting systems into the distributed register. In Russia, data is loaded from Rosreestr (Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastral Records and Cartography) and the departments of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture.
  2. Transactions data is anonymized and stored in the block chain with regular uploading of new deals from departmental sources. Today, the data in the INTRO system is updated every month.
  3. Based on the received data, INTRO generates market metrics. The main indicators are sales dynamics, market shares of the companies, stocks of off-plan property, competition by any location and layout type.
  4. In Russia, the information from INTRO is received by representatives of dedicated agencies, developers and investors. It allows avoiding excessive construction development in a separate location or construction of illiquid objects (for example, apartments of unattractive layout).
  5. Aggregated data comes to other IT products of the system that are intended for private investors, real estate brokers and home buyers. INTRO users do not need to scrutinize official documents or pay for this to an intermediary. The products of the system are designed to ensure that any investor can conclude a lucrative contract with a reliable developer.

Scopes of application
  • State authorities
Control of legal compliance. Prevention of housing bubbles. Planning of land
allocation for real estate development
  • Developers
Market research, competitive analysis & pricing. Search of attractive sites for development. Communication with investors and homebuyers.
  • Banks and building societies
Mortgage market research, planning of mortgage programs. Developers' underwriting. Analysis of locations for real estate development.
  • Real estate brokers, investors
Investment valuation, comparison of properties. Participation in private auctions starting at property prime cost. Search of co-investors.
  • Mass media and researchers
Market research, publication of analytical articles. Data journalism. Forecasts.


INTRO COINvest is a social application for homebuyers.

Home owners in new buildings have many common goals — starting from quality control of construction to the selection of the housing maintenance company. These tasks are much easier to solve in cooperation with future neighbors and experts whom one can meet via our social app INTRO COINvest.
Through a convenient application, the buyers will be able to chat with each other, developers’ representatives and, if necessary, lawyers and technical experts. Moving in a new residential block or a village, the neighbors will be able to save on buying household goods through the club of joint purchases.

The application will help homebuyers to find an expert for property review and make sure that the building meets all technical standards. The offers of interior designers and property lawyers will be available as well.
The COINvest users will be able to rate their developers and service providers. The ratings will be stored in unchangeable blockchain in order to keep a truthful record on the company operations.

The application users will be rewarded with INTRO Tokens for any useful activities in the system (friends' invitation, activity in chats, writing reviews, etc.). The more tokens one collects on his/her personal account, the higher will be the discount in the partner retailers of furniture, household utensils and DIY-materials.

INTRO gives you new opportunities
  • Buy objects directly from the builder at auction. Up to 30% off.
  • Access to official report on construction and off-plan investment recorded on blockchain.
  • Invest in a reliable developer property through smart contracts. There is no minimum intermediary and commission.
  • Join an investor club and earn bonuses on partner networks.

Purchasing real estate is still one of the main strategies of long-term investment. However, the volatility of the property market causes a high risk for those who invest in construction properties.

In many countries, home buyers have no alternative but to buy off-plan. Off-plan properties are more affordable than used and used goods in developed countries. The shortage of housing in some places, such as Dubai or India, pushes home buyers into off-plan construction markets.

Now global investors and home buyers continue to risk off-plan development that may end up with incomplete homes and losing money. This situation is common in Russia and the BRICS countries where the development of the INTRO system begins.

How can modern technology secure off-plan property investments?

  • Developer
Market research, analysis & competitive pricing. Find sites that are interesting for development. Communication with investors and.
  • Investors
Purchase discounted goods in private auctions Discover co-investors.
  • Buyer
All recent offers from trusted developers. Mortgage bonus system
  • Real estate agent
Calculation of investment, search and comparison of objects
  • Bank and building societies
Mortgage market research, mortgage program planning. Expansion plan.
  • Mass media and researchers
Market research, publication of analytical articles.
  • Journalistic data
  • State authorities
Control of legal visas Prevention of housing bubbles. Land development planning for real estate development
  • DIY computer manufacturer
Construction under construction by region. Access to the list of construction companies and their site features (project reports)

INTRO REstate is an online store of off-plan properties at developers' prices.

INTRO REstate provides search throughout on-sale properties in under-construction buildings in all the regions covered by the INTRO system. Smart contracts allow investors to make a deal with the property developer at a minimum transaction fee and without any intermediaries.
If you are looking for a property for living, you can post a request at INTRO REstate and receive only those offers that meet your requirements. Then you can choose the best option and close a deal in a regular way with a paper-based contract or through your personal account in the system with a smart contract. In addition, a homebuyer will be able to apply for a mortgage in several banks through his/her INTRO REstate account.

The concept of INTRO REstate workflow is the following. Property buyer deposits money for a chosen property, which get frozen on the INTRO REstate account.

Developer recieves a request to register the investor's property rights and submits documents to the state registration authority. When developer confirms that the off-plan or ready-made property is registered, INTRO REstate makes an authomated request to the state authority and writes the response in blockchain. In case of positive response, INTRO REstate send the withholded money to developer.
Foreign investors can purchase properties via INTRO REstate if the chosen property is located in the jurisdiction that allows real estate ownership / off-plan investment by foreign nationals. Hence, the investor will have to disclose his nationality to search relevant properties. All operations can be conducted online without personal presence in the property jurisdiction.
A standart sale contract and off-plan investment contract will be installed in the system for those willing to invest in the Russian real estate. Relevant contracts compliant with a local legal system will be introduced for other countries as well. As blockchain development will progress, the purchase procedure will get simplier and quicker.

If you are a real estate investor, then the service can help you to analyze the market and choose the offers that are the most liquid and attractive for investment, and then invest in one or few of the proposed properties in the INTRO REstate system.
For developers, INTRO REstate is an additional sales channel attracting international investors and homebuyers. The availability of the smart contract allow investors and developers to use more beneficial schemes of payment during the construction phase.

Access and tariffs

Layanan INTRO didasarkan pada langganan dengan kunci pribadi. Gratis berlangganan untuk INTRO Analytica diberikan kepada perwakilan lembaga negara yang bekerja sama dengan perusahaan dalam pengungkapan informasi tentang kegiatan konstruksi (Kementerian Konstruksi dan Arsitektur, Dewan Kota, dll. ).
Perusahaan swasta, investor, dan pembeli rumah dapat memilih langganan berbayar untuk layanan yang mereka butuhkan, baik itu analitik profesional, lelang dan platform penjualan real estat atau komunitas pemilik rumah.
Semua pemegang Token INTRO akan mendapatkan akses ke paket berlangganan tergantung pada jumlah Token yang dibeli. Investor awal akan menerima diskon pada berlangganan untuk layanan selama 1 tahun dan lebih lama.

INTRO Token Advantages
  • A broad geography of analytics and investments
Now real estate investors have to pay for analytical services in foreign countries, but INTRO Token holders will receive the international market data and investment offers. The system will expand with respect to the requests of users, so you will be able to find all the hidden gems of the global property market!
  • Fees
The regular service fee on transactions in INTRO Sale and INTRO REstate is 3% on the deal amount. The Token holders have an advantage paying as little as 1% in transaction fees.
  • Activity bonus
INTRO subscribers are able to influence the developer's ratings. Active users will be rewarded for any activities in the system as leaving property reviews, using chats & feedback forms, adding pictures of properties, etc.
Bonus Tokens will be granted for any useful contributions to the system. Then the active users will be able to spend their bonuses in the partnering retail chains or for legal, technical and other services. 

The reward system will support the Token turnover in the ecosystem and on crypto-exchanges. The limited emission and bonus system will constantly increase the INTRO Token value. Worldwide service expansion will multiply the number of users of INTRO services and the turnover of Token transactions. Together, these factors will boost the capitalization and demand for INTRO Tokens.

Advantages for Token holders

INTRO Token is a license for access to the feature of IT products in INTRO ecosystem. The total of 200,000,000 INTRO Tokens of ERC20 standard will be issued on the Etherium smart contracts.

The purchase of INTRO Tokens does not imply shareholding in the business. Token holders are not entitled to dividends payment, they can not influence the business development strategy by voting for new regions during the global expansion of INTRO services.
INTRO Tokens provide access to the professional analytics of off-plan development, online sales of real estate in various countries, property auctions and social network of homebuyers.

Token distribution and bonuses

A user need to register a personal account for purchasing the Tokens. The buyers will be able to purchase Tokens with fiat currencies (USD, EUR) or crypto-currencies (BTC, ЕТН, LTC, Dash, etc.). Each Token holder will get a personal address (for each cryptocurrency) after the registration and will receive a confirmation via email. The buyers will also be able to transfer Tokens from their wallets.

The Tokens emission is conducted only once under the conditions of a smart contract. The distribution officially ends on July 31, 2018. The agreement between the INTRO Token buyers and distributor will take legal effect and become binding at that time.
No more INTRO Tokens will not be issued after the ICO is finished. All unallocated Tokens will be burned. The total amount of 200 million INTRO Tokens will be issued; their distribution is shown in the Chart.

On sale one INTRO Token costs $0.40
Maximum goal (hard cap) 15 million USD
Minimum goal (soft cap) 3 million USD
As soon as the maximum target for Token sale is reached, no more Tokens will be created, and
the total amount of 200 million ITR will not be exceeded.
Token price USD 0.40 (40 US cents)
Token code ITR
Minimum purchase per one person 12 USD
Maximum purchase per one person 5 million USD
Pre-sale 2 million ITR
PRE-ICO 10 million ITR
ICO 148 million ITR
Accepted fiduciary currency EUR, USD
Accepted crypto-currency BTC, ETH, LTC, DSH, BCH
Countries where citizens are allowed to purchase INTRO
All countries, except the People's Republic of
China and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


Distribution of the money received in the course of Token Sale

Here is a detailed overview of how INTRO team is going to use the raised funds:

25% - development of products
20% - legal services
20% - marketing and sales
7% - remuneration for the team members,
7% - new market research
8% - infrastructure
8% - licensing and fees
5% - other costs

The project development after the Token sale will be carried out according to the Roadmap.



Kirill Badikov


Chairman of the Board of Founders and Management at Gosstroy, JSC. In 2015, Kirill was appointed to the position of Director of the State Mortgage Housing Loan Institution in Ufa. In 2012, Kirill was elected to the Ufa City Council, and in 2016, re-elected and appointed Vice-Chair of the Municipal Council. In 2016, he founded INTRO TECHNOLOGY RUS, JSC.

Denis Vechkanov


Executive with 13 years of managerial experience in various fields: Business Assessment, Online Sales, Production and Retail. Since 2015, Executive Director at the retail chain 'Matrix' (44 local stores in Russia and online stores). Graduate of Hult International Business School (MBA, 2016). In 2017, he founded INTRO RUS. MBA

Oleg Obolensky


Over 15 years of IT experience. In 2005/2012, he worked at Yandex, a prominent search engine in Russia, where he oversaw several software development divisions. In 2012/2015, he is the Director of Development at Rambler. In 2016, Oleg became co-founder and Chief Technical Officer at INTRO RUS, where he now manages the development of five software products.

Andrey Krylov

Product manager

More than 5 years experience in IT field. He has made a career from front-end developers to project managers in a web studio. Since 2016, it has become the Product Manager responsible for product development and monetization at INTRO RUS. In addition to his technical background (Moscow Aviation College, B.Sc., 2013), he completes the Internet Business Management program at RMA Business School

Andrey Machinsky

Front-end Developer

Software Developer with 10 years experience. Andrey is involved in web development at Bashinformsvyaz, JSC and Toyota Center Ufa and in the development of hybrid mobile applications in Kendo UI / Javascript for In 2017, he joined INTRO RUS for the mobile application development project AngularJS + Ionic. Now he's involved in the development of front-end for INTRO Analytica

Vadim Petrov

Back-end Developer

Programming Engineer with 8 years experience In 2009-2015, he was involved in the development and support of automated banking systems in Uralsib and in the development of storage systems for the National Settlement Depositary at Bell Integrator. In 2017, he joined the INTRO Analytica Project where he is currently responsible for back-end development in Selenium and Java.

East Zainullin

Head of Government Relations

East has 10 years experience in public works and politics. In 2014-2015 was elected as a representative in Ufa City Council. In 2015, he took the position of deputy chairman for housing policy and infrastructure development in Bashkortostan State Assembly Youth Chamber. Since 2015, East has been a member of BRICS Youth Assembly.

Denis Smoliar

Leader of the Development Team

Over 10 years of IT experience. In 2011-2016, he led the team at Rosgosstrakh Bank; In 2016, he joined the INTRO RUS team. He is the Head of Development Division and oversees the blockchain integration project in the INTRO product ecosystem.

Diana Imamgaiazova

Head of Communications

Over 10 years experience in media communications. He was published in Russian and foreign media: The Kommersant, RBC, Deutsche Welle, The Local and EWDN. For the past 3 years, he has been involved in international communications for IT startups, including the CoLanguage and Truecaller projects. Diana holds a Master of Management degree (Higher School of Economics, 2013) and Media Communications (Stockholm University, 2016).

Alexander Kolesnikov

Head marketing

Has worked in the field of online marketing and b2b for more than nine years. Developing international contacts at logistics company "Russian Trading Partner". Work as CEO at e-commerce project. Is the CEO of Kim Mister Kim's furniture company. Co-owner of Inbreak Digital Agency. Has been working on the INTRO RUS team since 2017 and is responsible for marketing.


ANN Thread:

ETH address: 0x81a9Abdc9662BD7a285Fb1DA5b03E5Fb5c7a6c9a


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